Saturday, September 02, 2006

Making a Mess
or "how to annoy very nice people that you'll never meet"

There is a very nice person somewhere out there who has nearly the same email address as me (she's obviously also very witty... and faster than I am). I hate to admit this, but I've been harrassing her a bit lately. I want to know why I've stopped getting email to my gmail account -- as if it's her fault.

Without going into the whole thing... I'll just say that it's my mistake. I posted the wrong email address to this blog. Specifically, I posted hers. Not mine.


I mean, really dumb. Who would do that??

So, I sent her an apology and I owe anyone who has sent me an email through this blog link an apology because you've actually sent email to someone I don't know.

So I've fixed the email address thing on this site... and, for better or worse, your email is coming to me now. I write really good apology emails -- let me know if I owe you one.

Operators are standing by...


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