The Lost Weekend
Different Weekend. Same big damn waste of time. It was as though last weekend I ran a pilot and this weekend is the real thing. So far the project to become the most bored/boring girl in Belgium is a big success.
My Saturday so far (I’m not proud):
-- Slept until 10:30, got up, looked at the sunny day and decided to shower and go outside immediately to get some sun and exercise…. Juuuust as soon as I checked Reddit to see if anything interesting had bubbled up in the last 8 hours
-- Read Reddit and must have blissed out in hyperlink-Heaven because….
-- At about 1:30, said “holy fu@k, I’ve been reading Reddit for 3 hours?!!! I’ve got to get showered and get outside"…. Juuuust as soon as I log in to YouTube to see if they have any Trailer Park Boys episodes
-- Watched Trailer Park Boys episodes on YouTube for no fu@king idea how long -- Slipped into watching amazing but random-seeming videos about people eating mentos and drinking diet coke… as well as doing pretty incredible sleight-of-hand tricks with cigarettes.
-- At about 5pm, noticed it was 5pm and started to wonder if I’d been abducted by aliens because I had the feeling that 3 hours had passed that I couldn’t quite account for. Decided I definitely had to head out the door when I….
-- Got a call from former-lover Belal and, stupidly, took it and...
-- Listened to Belal explain how he can’t live without me and how we must be together and that we will have a very passionate life together... in SAUDI ARABIA (Theoretically this could work I guess, as long as 20-yr-old recently deflowered Wife#1 doesn’t discover us and, I don’t know, have me killed or something).
-- Hung up and toasted the newlyweds with a shot of Crown Royal.
-- Took this picture, thinking I might send it to Belal:

-- Realized that this is more than just a little bit creepy and deleted it before sending.
It’s now 8pm (even though my posting time disagrees.. can't figure out how to reset the timezone) and, although I have had a shower, I’m still sitting in front of my computer thinking I’ll finish this quick blog entry and go outside… except now it’s getting a little dark. Maybe I’ll juuuuust check to see if there is anything new.
I suck.
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