Having different friends and being different people, we knew each other to see one another... but I think it's fair to say that neither of us felt any great urge toward the other.
If anything, when we would meet, I would find him curious. A bit random-seeming. Not attractive, but there was always... something.
In a word, our relationship is unlikely. Definitely it's greater than the sum total of what we put into it... in early 2000 I would sometimes be where he was playing guitar, in 2002 he stumbled up the church steps where I was sitting with a friend and kissed me hard on the mouth, later that summer, while walking to the postoffice I ran into him while he was packing to go to Louisiana the next day -- he gave me a bottle of red wine. Later still that summer I bought a copy of his poetry book and sat in a gazebo by the beach for an entire day reading it and writing him a letter that he never responded to. I never expected him to. Every year I would see him during the festival in our hometown. We'd say hello and have a brief conversation, I would see him play guitar, and that would be it.
This summer when I saw him at the festival, I knew he looked familiar, but I didn't immediately recognize him. He was wearing a white shirt, and nice jeans and I remember thinking that he could possibly be some better looking older brother of the Andre I knew. The Andre I knew looked like Bob Dylan on a particularly scruffy day. Careless comfy, to be kind. I walked past him to get a better look and realized that it was Andre, having returned from his Masters studies in Lafayette and cleanly scrubbed.
And so we connected.
It's odd to be dating someone from my hometown. I never have. I go back there every year and always feel a bit relieved to be able to visit anyones house and not have to have thoughts like "Sue is so nice... but I sure hope she doesn't find out I bonked her husband in highschool... and her brother... and her other brother".
So now Andre is in Belgium with me for a month and I'm sure we're the talk of the town.
I'm tired at the mo, so I'll stop here.
And that concludes another rivetting entry.
Yawn. zzzzzzzzzzzz....
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