Friday, October 27, 2006

Deleriously Tired


Last night was one of those horrible nights where, by 2:30am I started imagining the race between me falling asleep and my alarm going off at 6:30. I think sleep probably won, but not by much.

There is a low-level vibration in my new apartment. It was all that I could hear last night. All night. It's like a mechanical humming that I can feel.

And when it keep me awake, it makes me angry. Anger, it turns out, is not a sleep inducer.

I tried masking music, calling a friend in time zone 9 hours away, meditating, burning insence, and using ear plugs. Putting in earplugs had the incredibly counterintentional effect of filtering out all other noise except my heartbeat and the low-level humming -- which sounded REALLY loud.

When I told my landlord about this a few days ago, he said he would try to do something about it and then raised his hands up near his head, thumbs pointing to his temple, in what I refer to as "the Cariboo". He said he 'could not promise anything'.

Well my friend, we're about to make resolving this situation our new hobby.


Blogger Pants said...

Try a large cognac

11:45 a.m.  

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